In June 2018, Norway launched an updated national strategy for research, development, demonstration and commercialisation of new climate-friendly energy technology.

Fast-track from idea to market PILOT-E  is  a  collaboration  between  different  Norwegian energy  research,  development  and  demonstration support schemes. it works as a “fast-track” through the stages of research from idea to market. PILOT-E has been highlighted  at  earlier  Ministerials  and has been very successful. The maritime sector has been a priority so far. By 2022, around 70 new electric ferries will be operating on the Norwegian fords. There are also projects for hydrogen ferries underway. This is being  made  possible by public funding to develop the required technology  and  the roll  –  out of  necessary  infrastructure.  Today,  as  a  rule,  all  new  public  tenders  for  car  ferries  require  zero or  low emission technology.

Norway is  currently developing  a full-chain  demonstration project.  This includes  capture,  transport  and storage solutions. Norcem and  Fortum  Oslo Varme  is currently studying CO2-capture  at their  respective  plants (a cement  plant  and  a  waste  incineration facility). At  the  same time, Equinor,  Shell  and  Total  are  working on  a solution for transport and storage. The plan is to transport CO2 from the industrial sites and store it offshore. The storage facilities will have excess capacity much more than what is needed for domestic needs and the transport  solution  will  be  flexible.  Thus,  Norway  is  preparing  the  ground  for  future  European  projects,  making  it more attractive for European industry to consider CO2-capture.

Norway participates actively in ACT. ACT means Accelerating Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Technologies and the ambition of the 13 partners is to fund research and innovation projects that can lead to safe and cost-effective technology. This is  a  multilateral  initiative  involving  different  MI  countries.  ACT  published  the  first  call  for  project  proposals  in June  2016.  Eight  new  projects  were  started  in  the  autumn  of  2017  with  €  41.2  million  in  financial  support  from ACT.  A second ACT  call  was  published  4th  June 2018.  The  budget  for the  call  is  up  to €  30  million  and  full project proposals were submitted on 1st March 2019. Another call is planned for 2020.

Norway had host a workshop for Innovation Challenges 3(IC3) such as the Mission Innovation(MI) Carbon Capture Challenge in Trondheim in June 2019.  It is important to ensure continued progress in the direction of full-scale implementation and commercialization of CO2  capture, utilisation and storage technologies. A workshop is, therefore, held back to back  with  the  Trondheim  Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)-10  Conference  where  400-500  CCS  experts  are  gathered.  Representatives  from all MI members are invited.

A  collaboration  between  the  Center  for  Electric  Power  and  Energy,  the  Danish  association Intelligent  Energy (iEnergi) and the Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community was formed with the purpose of further strengthening the Danish participation in Innovation Challenges 1(IC1) in the period 2019-2020. It is the first project supporting Mission Innovation(MI)  activities to receive funding from the Danish Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP). The collaboration was initiated through IC1.

In June 2018, the Danish government signed an energy agreement with the unanimous support of all parties in the Danish parliament. The agreement establishes a professional and efficient energy sector as the basis for the transition to a sustainable green society, and focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency improvements, research, and energy regulation. The  agreement  provides  for  significant  investments  to  realise  the  ambition  of  a low-emission  society  by  the year 2050. It also establishes the framework for a cost-effective green transition, taking into account the costs for society and individuals, as well as the rapidly advancing technology.

In 2018 Innovation fund, Denmark invested 103 million DKK(currency sign) more than was earmarked for energy research and innovation through the Mission Innovation(MI) doubling commitment.

As  part  of  the official Clear Energy Ministerial (CEM)  and  Mission Innovation(MI) activities  in  Copenhagen  and  Malmö  in  May  2018,  Denmark  hosted  a  public workshop on  Innovation Challenges 1(IC1). At  the workshop  a  joint statement and recommendations were handed over to the ministerial representatives from India, Italy, Sweden and Denmark present at the workshop. In the joint statement it is stressed that the IC1 working group continue its commitment to strongly supporting the ongoing fruitful joint collaboration within IC1. A  collaboration  between  the  Center  for  Electric  Power  and  Energy,  the  Danish  association  Intelligent  Energy (iEnergi) and the Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community was formed with the purpose of further strengthening  the  Danish  participation  in  the  Innovation Challenges 1(IC1) in  the  period  2019-2020.  It  is  the  first  project supporting MI activities to receive funding from the Danish Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP). The research collaboration Sino Danish Center(SDC), which the Technical University of Denmark is part of, has a new theme on ‘Sustainable Energy’. The collaboration supports PhD-scholarships and the purpose is to achieve international excellence in research and education in sustainable energy systems and deliver high quality candidates to the energy sector. In  2019 EUDP,  the  Danish  energy  research,  development and  demonstration  program, has  included  MI activities as part of their funding scheme.

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